
We are the Healthy Minds Youth Project and our aim is to reduce the stigma that is attached to emotional and mental health. We are doing this by inspiring children and young people in Bolton to know that it’s okay to talk about their emotional and mental health.

We are passionate about what we do. Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group gave us some funding to allow our bekindtomymind campaign to be rolled out all across Bolton. Giving us a much bigger voice to say…”It’s okay to talk about emotional and mental health problems.”

Brain holding a megaphone

Who can you speak to...

Our campaign bekindtomymind is on social media; click the links below to follow our pages:

Please help us spread the message of our campaign by telling your friends, sharing our campaign video and using the following hashtags on social media:

#bekindtomymind   #timetotalk

Urgent help

If you feel that you are unable to keep yourself safe and concerned that you may be an immediate risk to yourself, speak to the people you trust, whether that’s family, friends, and teachers to get support.

Remember the strong emotions you are feeling may pass. If you require urgent support, you can seek help through a Health Care Professional. This can include your own GP, Pharmacist, School Nurse, calling 111 or in emergencies only, your local hospital department.

If you are a young person who is already getting help from local mental health services you can follow your agreed care plan or speak to the person who cares for you at the service.